Weeknote 30

Missed last week. That’s okay.

I feel like I’m coming out of the horrific post-diagnosis pit I fell into. I’ve had a few therapy sessions now. I’m focusing on the positive stuff I’m enjoying at work. The sun has actually been out. It’s all shifting my head, slowly but surely, into a much better place.

House renovations are progressing slowly. The mini-tower structure for the link between the house and studio is starting to go up. The back wall which ties into the studio roof is coming down so a/ the roof can be replaced and b/ the wall can be made good again.

Worked 5 days last week. Not doing that again in a hurry. But it meant that this week was a 3 day week with jiggling round of non working days.

This week

Monday was a Monday. I’m finding them hard to get going. And after talking to a few folks I’m not alone in that. That’s helpful.

Worked with a group on a bid, one of the worst pieces of procurement I’ve ever been on the receiving end of. Hey ho. We’re getting there. I’m good at asking clarification questions.

I had Tuesday off to go to the Royal Welsh (see below). It was super fun but Wednesday was like Monday all over again and just all very confusing.

Found a few more of the TPX Welsh contingent and had some chats for some plotting.

Edited a client report. It’s nearly ready to go.Dug into some more client issues. A picture is emerging that feels more consistent which I think is reassuring to me and a lot of other folk. But much work ahead.

Big news this week though is that I passed my probation. Yes, I was worried. It’s been a bumpy six months. Emma and I had a great chat. I’m feeling good. And I’m plotting a course ahead after my current project. I’ve got a mission. I’ve got some fire back. I can see what needs to be done. Already working in the background to set some of it in motion. Will continue to build my case and make my arguments. Very hopeful.

Though the whole week is tinged with sadness as Jukesie leaves us. Closest we’ve managed to come to working together but at least we managed 6 months adjacent to each other! Onwards.

Royal Welsh Show

As I mentioned above, Dai and I had Tuesday off to go up to Builth Wells for the Royal Welsh. It’s THE event in the rural Welsh calendar.

We had perfect weather - the clouds and mist departed when we parked up.

Saw a huge amount of sheep. Watched some international sheep shearing competition. Looked at more sheep. Log chopping competitions. More sheep. Wandered and looked at all the stalls. Ran into one of our builders. Pigs of all types. And saw a friend on one of the government stands. Looked at a lot of large, unidentifiable farm machinery. And learned just how many varieties of pigeons there are.

All in all a good day. Would absolutely do it again. Looking forward to our local show later in the summer.

We are not going back

I’m fan-girling HARD over Kamala Harris atm. Obsessed.


Her tone and messaging are spot on. Hopeful, positive, forward looking and unabashedly pro-abortion. There is joy, humour and laughter. And I am so beyond here for it.

Women are organising. Breaking Zoom. Raising record amounts of money in short periods of time.

This feels different. This feels hopeful. I’m feeling hopeful.

I’ve waited a long time to see a women become president and I think we might see it this time. I’m already excited to stay up all night with my 84 year old mom and watch it. And cry together. We’ve waited so long.

And god DAMN it, it’s the hope that gets you.

What I’ve been watching

We’ve started watching the German Netflix show “Dark”. It’s rather good and rather mind-breaking. Taking it slow because I have to really pay attention because subtitles and complexity.

Binged season 12 of Chicago Fire for some comfort TV. Half a season really thanks to the writers strike.

Finished The Acolyte. Meh. I think I’m ready for the Star Wars universe to be put to bed for a while.

D is away this weekend so I think me and The Bear might spend some time together.

What’s blooming

Still slow and not very productive this year. Really bad year for my dahlias - several have been eaten to sticks by slugs. A few more have had their centres eaten by slugs. A few more are just not growing.

Three have bloomed and have made these ridiculous flowers.