Weeknote 31

Hello again. Things are still definitely on the up at work.

House progress continues, as ever though, slower than I’d like. This week: interior walls are going up in the studio, the back/exterior wall of the studio is half down, half rebuilt, the roof is coming off and a new giant hole has been dug for the pillar that will support the roof extension.

D was away for most of the week and has returned home with an almost probable case of Covid so back to isolating and living outside we are. Sigh.

This week


Notes will continue to be vague a bit longer I’m afraid.

But plans are progressing for what’s next with my role. I’ve been building a lot of support in the background with people at all levels in the organisation.

This “seeing a vacuum, formulating a plan, building consensus and executing the plan” is really my happy place. First meeting on Monday should solidify everything and I’m hoping an announcement can be made more formally next week. I'm getting some really great, unsolicited feedback about my contributions and approach.

Continued to sort out issues this week, both internally and externally. Got a few things back on track. Uncovered some more issues and put steps in place to start to deal with those.

Had a great chat with Ian from our Strategy and Org Design team. And learned more about that team and their work at another session. Really see the need for seamless working with them and Major Projects. Can’t do major delivery without transforming organisations and systems IMO.

Worked a 5 day week again this week, it was mildly easier but I am paying the price this weekend, incredibly wiped out.

Friday was focussed on a bid we’re pulling together, drafting, reviewing and pulling folk together. We’ve managed to write a ludicrous number of (very good) words in a short span of time.

Next week

I’m out and about a bit this week.

Seeing a client in Abergavenny on Monday to discuss something potentially exciting. Cardiff on Thursday. Mixed in with a site visit by builders and architect on Wednesday.

Endless meetings (that’s fine, that’s my job) but very little time to write/plan or start to build the growing list of slide decks I need to do. And a bid to get over the line.

And hopefully I can stop being as cryptic as I have been.

What I’ve been watching

Binged The Bear.

It’s basically perfect television. Episodes 1-8 were stunning, I binged them. Watched 9 and 10 a few days later and I'm not sure it's because I lost the pace of it but they didn't feel as strong as the previous 8. Sugar and the baby drifted oddly into the background.

Napkins was a real standout episode - so lovely to get Tina’s backstory and it was woven perfecting into the present time of the series. And more time with Mikey.

Ice Chips was also great - Jamie Lee Curtis is just magnificent. And furthers the case of that the story of The Bear isn’t about fine dining, it’s about the impact of alcoholism.

Now that some of the more interesting (to me) sports are starting, I'm watching more of the Olympics. We stumped up for the Discovery Olympics subscription. If I'm going to have to pay to watch, can that not at least fund a working app. Seriously - can't use the Samsung Smart TV app, it just doesn't work. The AppleTV app crashes and cuts out constantly. Navigation is atrocious. And for your sanity, do not try to fast forward or rewind.

What I’m reading

Managed a bit of reading this week, the hot evenings are best spent outside and it’s been a nice way to wind down after a long day.

I’m slowly working through Jasper Fforde’s “The Constant Rabbit”. It’s a bit obvious, a bit funny, but so far, overall, a bit meh.

Hoping I can finish it soon and get back to reading women again. I’ve read too many men this year and I’m just not very excited by it.

What’s blooming

Strong second flush of roses.

The peas haven’t made it - I’m never going to try to grow peas again, I never have luck. The green beans are starting. And an actual courgette has started. Might be the only one I get this year at this rate.

And 1 of my dahlia’s is going for it. Cafe au Lait Royale.