Weeknote 36

This will be a short set of notes. It’s not been a good week and there's a lot I can't talk about.

Back to work this week. And for the first time in a long time, looking forward to it and what I had planned for the next few months.

Things did not go to plan. I’m back in a place where I’m not sure I can see a way through to the other side and getting back to hands-on work.

None of which help to get through days of nothing but 30 minute back to back meetings all day. Or to write proposals. Or do the decks you were supposed to do 3 weeks ago. Or plan. Or anything.

I plod on. One foot in front of the other.

The weather is dreadful. The house seems to stay around 80% humidity and we’re struggling to dry our clothes. Struggled to get out for walks with the dog this week because of late night working and endless torrential rain and storms.

Small bright spot: the renovation work kicked up a notch this week. They are back from summer hols. The skylights for the studio have been delivered. The roofer has been around to see the work and put together a quote. We had a site visit with the builder and architect and made a few more decisions.

The best bit: The cedar is going on the front of the studio and I think (so far) they are my favourite part of this whole project. Woodwork and render to be painted grey. The cedar will grey over time, the whole studio fading into the landscape rather than sticking out like a blue thumb. It also smells amazing.

Got in some serious dopamine on Saturday with a mushroom forage with Chloe from Gourmet Gatherings. No more picking on tours, but I loved mushroom hunting in the fog and dripping forest.

Porcelain fungus looking lovely in the fog.

Found one of my favourite mushrooms: Amethyst Deceiver. Someone else found a porcini. I've yet to find one, it's my mission in mushrooming.

Itching to get out into our forest now.