Weeknote 18

I’m really not sure I have it in me this week to write much here. I swear I only just wrote issue 19.

Not work things this week

We spent an afternoon with our interior designer and architect making material selections for the interior finishes of the house. It was so much fun and has me excited about the work starting again. Not much longer!

The kitchen palette of colours, textures and materials. Terracotta floor, oak cabinetry, bit of shou-sugi-ban, dark worktops. I'm OBSESSED with the floor tiles.

Dilys is doing really well - she gets her stitches out tomorrow and should have the all clear to start gradually reintroducing exercise. That will be good for all of us.

We were supposed to be heading to a lovely house in West Wales this weekend but given the dog’s surgery and recovery needs that had to be cancelled.

Instead, I’m going to spend as much of the weekend as I can in the garden digging out ground elder and heliotrope and planting some things. That usually sorts out my head.

What I’ve been doing


It’s been a rough week again. My head is exploding with information, ongoing peopling matters and some difficult challenges that frankly I’m at the end of my tether with figuring out how to solve. That with the ongoing lack of sleep is pushing me into a septic headspace.

Too much fucking admin.

I’m sure there is a way through it all, I just need four days to reset. [I mean I need more, but I’ll settle for 4].

And I think I’ll leave it there this week.